#2 Discovering Tokyo and many more


I have BIG news!

Well, there is a contest called Obentonohi to make a box lunch and write about the experiences. The contest is for primary and junior high school students held annually. And guess what! My essay was selected from thousands of entries in the contest this year! It was highly competitive, according to my sister who did the math for me, my chance of winning the prize was only 0.038% 😳

And then, I was invited to an award ceremony in Tokyo! I received a certificate and spoke a few words on stage, I was super nervous. Everyone I met there was so nice, they took a lot of pictures of me and the next day, I appeared in a newspaper! It was very nice to receive congrats messages from friends and family who read the article! Dad sounded particularly proud, which made me happy too!

After the ceremony, Mom, my sister, and I explored the city of Tokyo! Then we took a train called Romancecar and visited Hakone, which is famous for its hot springs. We eat, bathe, and relax.

It had been a long time since my last family trip, so I was so excited! One regret was that I had to leave Choco at my grandparents’ house. Choco likes grandparents’ house, and grandparents like having Choco, so everything was alright, except I missed her a lot. Mom said a trip is harder when you are with Choco. Indeed, most buildings and shops do not allow dogs in in Japan. However, I saw some places that had dog-friendly signs. Next time I go on a trip, I want to take Choco with me!

Writing this, I am getting sleepy. I think I am tired in a good way 😁

Anyway, see ya and I’ll be back to writing soon! 😉
